Robert Therres, Public Services Manager
The Engineering Department has begun selection of streets for the 2015 Pavement Management Program (PMP). Following the plan that was adopted in 2010, streets have been selected based on street condition ratings and consist of a mix of Municipal State Aid Streets (MSAS), bituminous overlays and reconstructions. Engineering staff has developed a rough cost estimate for the proposed streets and the Finance Department is updating the PMP capital improvement plan to reflect the latest cost estimates. Once the PMP has been updated, the list of street projects will be presented to the Council for authorization to begin preparation of feasibility reports.
The following projects are being tentatively proposed for 2015 with estimates of approximate construction cost:
· MSA Streets
o Jefferson Street from 125th Ave to north city limits - $650,000
o 105th Ave from Radisson Rd to Trunk Highway 65 - $4,000,000
o Harpers Street from 126th Ave to 128th Ln- $375,000
· Bituminous Overlay
o Various city streets (see map) - $425,000
· Reconstructions
o 92nd Circle from Woodland Rd to cul de sac - $65,000
o Flowerfield Road from Lake Dr to Lexington Ave - $550,000
- Joint cost sharing project with the City of Lexington
o 93rd Lane Industrial Park Area Street Improvements, Phase 4 - $455,000
- 94th Lane from Baltimore St to Goodhue St
- Davenport Street from 94th Ln to 93rd Ln
- Goodhue Street from 94th Ln to 93rd Ln
· New Construction
o West Central Avenue Service Road north of 85th Ave - $300,000
The MSA street projects would be funded through a combination of assessments to benefitting properties and MSAS Improvement Program funds with the exception of 105th Avenue which will be funded by a combination of Anoka County turnback funds, MSAS Improvement Program funds, TIF funds and City Public Utility funds. The bituminous overlays and reconstruction projects would be funded through a combination of Pavement Management Program (PMP) property tax levies and assessments to benefitting properties. The new construction project will be funded by utilizing pooled TIF funds.
In addition to the above 2015 Pavement Management Program, the Engineering Department is in the process of reviewing streets for the 2015 Sealcoating Program which is funded by the general fund and is separate from the Pavement Management Program.
See the attached map for proposed projects.
· Is the Council comfortable with the proposed streets and the size of the proposed 2015 project?
· Upon Council direction regarding the above items, staff will proceed with finalizing the project selection for the 2015 Pavement Management Program and bring the projects forward to a future Council meeting for further action.