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File #: MIN 12-25    Version: 1 Name: Approval of May 22, 2012 Park Board Minutes
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
File created: 7/24/2012 In control: Park Advisory Board
On agenda: Final action: 7/24/2012
Sponsors: Jim Kappelhoff
ITEM:         ____         Minutes- Jim Kappelhoff
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
7:00 p.m.
The Blaine Park Advisory Board met in the Council Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, May 22, 2012.
1.      Chair Walthour called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2.      ROLL CALL
Members Present:          Commissioners Bird, Das, Markle, Knapp and Chair Walthour.
Members Absent:      Commissioners Leathers and Langenfeld.
Staff Present:      Jim Kappelhoff, Park and Recreation Director and Jerome Krieger, Program Supervisor.
3.      Approval of Minutes:  April 24, 2012
Motion by Commissioner Bird to approve the minutes of April 24, 2012 as presented.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Knapp.  Motion approved unanimously.
4.      Open Forum for Citizen Input
Chair Walthour confirmed that an item was going to be moved up on the agenda.  
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff stated that this can remain later in the meeting as the presenter is not available at this time.   
5.      New Business
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff stated that last month a report was given on the Fall, 2011 Park and Recreation programs.  He commented that tonight is a presentation on the 2012 Winter/Spring Recreation programs.
Program Supervisor Krieger presented the 2012 Winter/Spring Recreation Program quarterly report.  He explained that staff has remained consistent for four years and together they have over 100 years of experience in Park and Recreation.  He reviewed community events, which included 15 events.  Aquator and Airport Parks were used along with Blaine City Hall and Centennial Elementary.  Blue Heron Elementary was used in partnership with Lino Lakes.  He reported that events were held at Lakeside Commons Beach, Wargo Nature Center and Hidden Ponds was the site where Earth Day was held.  He reviewed the events, which included an egg hunt, snow day, Earth Day and the Sounds of the City Concerts.  He commented that this year 3,638 attendants participated.  This included the first annual triathlon, which was held this past weekend.  He reported that there were 1,523 more participants this year over 2011.    He confirmed that the annual Twins Clinic will be held this weekend at the Blaine Baseball Complex and details will be included later in the Summer report.  
Program Supervisor Krieger commented that there were 50 youth programs with 521 participants.  He reviewed that programs included dance, drama, arts and crafts, music, tae kwon do, ice skating lessons, Lego classes and babysitting classes.  He commented that there were Youth and Teen outings and camps. Teens went skiing at Afton, to Water Park of America and to Vertical Endeavors.  He reported that additional trips included Sesame Street Live and Disney On Ice.  There were a total of 143 participants for the youth outings and camp.  He commented that the Teen Art show included 46 artists and the Childrens Art Workshop included 40 artists.  
Program Supervisor Krieger reported that Adult Programs continue to grow, particularly in the health and fitness area.  He stated that they included yoga, Jazzercise, Pilates, kettle ball training, belly dancing, Heat Yoga and Zumba.  He commented that participation was up 42 over 2011.  He reported that a partnership was formed with the Heat Yoga studio to provide more classes.  He explained that Adult Athletics included 405 participants.  There were 29 volleyball teams and 16 basketball teams.  He noted that volleyball was up by 64 participants and basketball remained the same.  He stated that softball is in season and there are 92 teams.  
Program Supervisor Krieger reported on the Senior Program.  He stated that over 3,500 meals were served over winter and spring which is an average of 42 people a day.  He commented that monthly birthday celebrations had 116 participants.  He noted that income tax assistance had an increase in participants for a total of 364.  He commented that events included: movie day, Valentine celebration, St. Patricks Day and many additional educational programs serving over 1000 seniors.  He reviewed that 165 Seniors participated in community outings, which included casinos and theaters.  He stated that there is weekly Wii bowling, wood carving class, cribbage and 500 tournaments.  He reported that 10,400 seniors were served from January to April for meals and events.  He added that this is an additional 971 seniors who were served over year.  He noted that there was a 25 year celebration for staff member Ann Genosky.  
Program Supervisor Krieger reported that facilities uses were Airport Park, Aurelia, Happy Acres, Hidden Ponds, City Hall, Schwan's Dance Studio,  Wargo Nature Center, four schools were utilized, Fire Station number 3 and some classes were at Home Depot.  He commented that skating rinks were affected by the weather.  He noted that they were open 27 days at Happy Acres and 18 days at the other buildings.  He stated that this is down from 45 days for all rinks last year.  He commented that only 3,085 skaters participated this winter, which was down 198 people from 2011.  He commented that because the ice was melting they could not complete the fourth week of the skating class. There were 23 participants.  He stated that the rink at Happy Acres was rebuilt by public works staff and had limited use this year.  He reported that they held youth volleyball, soccer and basketball games and practices.  Volleyball had 157 games, basketball had 114 games between Blaine Back Court Club and Spring Lake Park, and Blaine Soccer Club breakout tournament had 333 teams and 526 games this year.  He commented 165 coaches were certified this winter and spring.  
Program Supervisor Krieger commented that there were 178 reservations for facilities.  Participants of facilities included Blaine Youth Hockey Association used the outdoor rinks, the Soccer Club, the Backcourt Club, Little League, Traveling baseball, Blaine/Spring Lake Park Athletic Association and High School.  He commented that 1053 registrations were received from December 1 to April.  He noted that 337 were by mail, fax or walkup for a total of 32 percent, and 716 were completed online which is 68 percent.  He stated that last year 41 percent registered by walkup and 59 percent registered online.  He commented that the community gardens are up and being used.  He stated that all 40 plots were filled on the first day for new applicants.  He noted that gardening began a week earlier this year.  He commented that there was a Killebrew Memorial Field Dedication on May 5th.  He stated that about 200 people were at the event.  He commented that Harmon's wife, Nita, was at the event.  In addition, attendants included TC Bear, Madonna, the Subway mascot and Homer the Miracle League Mascot.  He commented that a new sign was put on top of the scoreboard to commemorate the Killebrew field.  He noted that all of the lights are functional at the BBC on Fields 1, 2 and 3.  They are all computer controlled.  The football field lights were not changed but they are all hooked up to the computer.  He commented that on Earth Day new trees were planted.  
Chair Walthour stated that he is proud to be associated with city staff as they do a tremendous job.  He asked how they keep doing all of the programming and parks and complimented them on their work.  
Commissioner Das asked about the Baseball Complex lights.  He asked if the light needs maintenance is that communicated through the computer or does someone need to report the problem such as when a light blows out.  
Program Supervisor Krieger stated that information is reported and his phone number is given out to park users so communication takes place.  He stated that they had a power outage this spring and it was handled.  He stated that everyone has been informed to communicate with them.  He stated that they can call Iowa to identify the problem, work it on remotely and then electricians will go on site to repair the light if needed.  He explained that this project is top notch and saves a lot of staff time.      
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff presented an update on park projects. He explained that some projects are on hold and he wanted to provide an update on the two primary ones.  He commented that Legacy Creek Park has had some neighborhood meetings.  He stated that this park will have work done on it this summer and be operational this fall.  He stated that they are waiting on documents from the developer.  These documents will confirm the location of the park.  He stated that they are anticipated at the end of the month.  Following receipt of papers they will bid out the park project.  He stated that on Thursday, June 28, at 7:00 pm in the Cloverleaf Room there will be a presentation on the information and equipment options for the neighborhood to select from. He invited the Board to participate.  He explained that the vendor will be present.   
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff stated that the Lexington Athletic Complex has a closing date scheduled for June 30 following the previous signature of a purchase agreement.  He reported that staff has walked the 40 acre parcel.  He added that they will discuss the Lexington Avenue Athletic Complex on the June tour.  He stated that the city will involve a consultant on the project and have bids out later this year.   
Commissioner Das asked whether there is a budget for the equipment selection that will occur at the next neighborhood meeting.  
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff commented that there is a budget.  He stated that residents will have equipment to select from and the playground contractor will guide them on what fits in the budget.  He explained that he understands the Legacy Creek Playground budget is about $50,000.  He stated that there will be an age 2-5 playground and an age 5-12 playground.  He stated that these areas will be divided by a sidewalk.  
Commissioner Bird asked if the construction will be phased in over a few years time.  He asked what part of the project will be done first.  He inquired if the plans have changed and the park will be completed all at once.  
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff stated that they will move forward with the baseball fields, the soccer fields, the tennis court, the picnic pavilion and all features at once based on the Capital Improvement Funds.  He explained that if estimates are higher than expected he will recommend completing the multiuse fields first and the ball fields second.
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff stated that next month they are due for the annual park tour.  He stated that he has received feedback with requests from residents to meet the Park Board during their tour of Legacy Park.  He stated that the tour will leave at 6:30 p.m.  He commented that they will go to Lexington Athletic Complex and get a feeling on where the athletic fields will go.  He suggested bringing good walking shoes as the area has corn fields currently and may be plowed up.  He offered to make another stop during the tour if the Board requests.  He suggested a possible stop by the Blaine Baseball Complex to see the new lights.  
Commissioner Bird stated that he has not been in the Senior Center for 10 to 15 years.  He suggested making a stop by there if there is interest.  
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff stated that they can stop by the Senior Center.  He stated that they are anticipating a new Senior Center van and will be using this for the tour so this is fitting.   
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff presented a background and summary of Jaycee Park Feature.  
Jaycee Park is located on the southwest border of the larger and more active Baseball Complex facility.  In contrast, Jaycee Park balances the busyness of the Baseball Complex by offering residents a more passive and quiet area to enjoy.  
According to City records, property for Jaycee Park was obtained from both park dedication and tax forfeiture. In 1971, 8.73 acres were dedicated and in 1977, 15 acres were from tax forfeiture and both parcels were part of the Donnay's Northwood residential development.  Today the park is 9.2 acres in size as more than half its original acreage was used for additional baseball fields that is now considered part of the Baseball Complex.
The original name of the park was Oak Ridge Park named after the street located to the south of the park. However, in 1980, the Blaine Jaycees expressed an interest in assisting with the development of the park and agreed to contribute $4,000 over the next five years to this development. Through this effort the Jaycees requested that Oak Ridge Park be renamed Blaine Jaycee Community Park. The City Council agreed and a resolution signed by Mayor Francis Fogerty made it official.
And the Jaycees wasted no time in planning their first project for Jaycee Park.  In 1981 they proposed funding the construction of a BMX Bike Raceway course to be located in the west end of the park.  The Park Board recommended and City Council approved the proposed project, but through neighborhood residents expressing their concerns at City Hall, the BMX Raceway project was tabled and finally removed from future planning.  This did not deter other park development.  Grills and a 20' flag pole were placed in the park in 1981 and playground equipment, basketball court and a picnic shelter were installed in 1982. Then in 1983, the first disc golf course in Blaine was constructed. It consisted of nine holes south of the ditch that separates the Baseball Complex and Jaycee Park and at that time it was called a Frisbee Golf Course. The funding of $2,000 for the course was shared equally by the Jaycees and the City.  Unfortunately through vandalism and the costs to maintain the course, it was removed.  The playground was also removed and replaced in the Baseball Complex. Trails were added in 1983 traversing through the park with accesses from Oak Park Blvd., Oak Ridge Trail and 118th Lane.   In 2006 a trail was constructed over the ditch that linked the two parks and was located approximately in the middle where both park borders meet south of the football field.
Jaycee Park continues to be over shadowed by its larger sister park but it still serves as a quiet sanctuary for those park users wanting to enjoy nature and leisure at their own pace.
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff reviewed a power point of Jaycee Park.
Chair Walthour suggested a motion to change the order of the agenda.  
Motion by Commissioner Knapp to recommend to the City Council to amend the agenda and move agenda item 5.6 in place of 5.5 and agenda item 5.5 in place of 5.6.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Markle.
Motion approved unanimously.
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff presented a background and summary of a recommendation of Eagle Scout Project.  
Austin Swenson is proposing to create a memorial honoring those that have
served and are serving in the United States armed forces. The memorial is a
historical chronology of 12 major war campaigns where American servicemen
were called upon to serve and recognition of MIA/POWs, VFW, branches of
military, special war dedications and the Eagle Scout.
The proposed project is a 6'x 21'area of stone pavers. Engraved pavers
acknowledging the above events and actions will be systematically spaced
throughout the area in a uniform pattern. The remaining area will be filled with
background pavers. A concept plan of the design is attached for the Board's review.
Mr. Swenson's first choice for the location of this memorial is Lakeside
Commons Park. This park does have space that can be used for the memorial.
However, all areas of the park are very active where people come to play, swim,
picnic, walk, bike and run. Staff is recommending Town Square Park as an
alternate location for the memorial. This park is more passive and peaceful.
People come here to relax and enjoy the sitting areas, landscaping, fountain and
concerts. Also, every July 4th at Town Square Park, the local VFW honors our
country by raising a new flag and playing the Star Spangled Banner.
Staff would recommend that the memorial site be located in the southeast corner
of the Town Square Park. The area is semi-secluded with shrubs, flowers,
landscaping, and is between the fountain and flags. Attached is a map showing
the project location in the park.
Chair Walthour asked Mr. Swenson for some background on how the design was created and asked for the current status.
Austin Swenson, 9573 Monroe Street NE, commented that for the memorial design his decision was to put in pavers.  He explained that each paver would represent a war and the war memorial pavers will be in one row.  He stated that the next row will represent the military branches with two dedication pavers.  He explained that a few rows below this there will be pavers dedicated to the VFW.  He stated that his project is going well.  He added that he has gotten a lot of support for the project from the citizens of Blaine.  He noted that fundraising has gone well.  
Chair Walthour asked when the project is anticipated to begin.  
Mr. Swenson stated that he will work starting in June and complete the project before the end of July.
Chair Walthour asked how long it will take to complete.  
Mr. Swenson stated that it will take three to five days to build the memorial depending on the available volunteers.
Chair Walthour suggested that members of the Board would like to be involved and asked Mr. Swenson to keep them apprised of the status of the project.  He asked where the idea came from to do a war memorial.  
Mr. Swenson stated that his grandfather was a veteran who lived in a small town in northern Minnesota.  He reported that his town did a memorial a few years ago.  He commented that his grandfather passed away a few years ago.  He stated that he wanted to create a war memorial to remember the service men and women who have served and who are serving.  
Chair Walthour asked about dedication pavers in the plans.  
Mr. Swenson stated that the pavers are a dedication to all service men and women and are not for sale.  
Commissioner Markle complimented the idea of the memorial. He added that it represents the quiet strength of the service members in the community. He asked that construction be avoided during the time of the 4th of July flag ceremony.  He asked about the inscriptions on the pavers.  He asked about maintenance for the pavers.  
Mr. Swenson stated that Hedberg Masonry Company is engraving the pavers with laser and they will be protected with poly metric sand, which creates almost a plastic covering.  He added that no special maintenance will be needed.
Motion by Commissioner Markle to recommend to the City Council to accept the proposed Eagle Scout Project by Austin Swenson as described tonight.   Motion seconded by Commissioner Knapp.
Motion approved unanimously.
Chair Walthour asked Mr. Swenson to keep the Board aware as they would be available to help with the project.  
Mr. Swenson stated that he has solicited funds by giving out envelopes.  He asked to distribute them to the Board and handed them out.  
5.6      OTHER
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff commented that the Killebrew Memorial Field dedication had a presentation and 200-300 people were in attendance.  He explained that the Killebrew family was appreciative.  He stated that the weather was not cooperative but the event was a success.  
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff stated that the Blaine triathlon was last weekend at Lakeside Commons Park.  He commented that it took months to plan and a few hours to run. He explained that there were 300 participants. He explained that Nate Monahan did a wonderful job organizing the triathlon.  He thanked the volunteers who participated in the event.  He commented that city departments who volunteered and participated included the public works department, police department, engineering, GIS and it was a collaborative event.  He noted that three of the top ten finishers were from Blaine.  He stated that people participated from as far away as the State of Virginia.  There were a few participants from Wisconsin, North Dakota and Iowa.  He stated that the overall winner completed the three events in 1 hour, 13 minutes.  He commented that the women's winner completed the race in 1 hour, 23 minutes and finished in 12th place, which was very good.  He commented that Eagle Scout Tory Gavin participated.  He completed the Ivy Hills shelter.  He commented that there were evaluations completed on-line.  People enjoyed the event and asked that it be continued in the future.   He reviewed a power point of the triathlon.  He commented that metals were given out to all participants.  
Chair Walthour asked if plans are being made for next year already.  
Park and Recreation Director Kappelhoff stated that they were waiting for an evaluation from this year and will discuss this with Council.  He stated that he recommends it be an annual event.   
Chair Walthour commented that staff did a great job in hosting this event for the city.  
6.      Old Business
7.      Adjournment
Commissioner Bird motioned to adjourn.  Commissioner Markle seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.
Chair Walthour adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Bostrom
TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.
By motion, approve the May 22, 2012 Park Board Minutes.