ADMINISTRATION - Joe Huss, Finance Director
As part of the 2014 budget process, $227,400 was appropriated for the purchase of snow and ice chemicals. Given the contractual price, this would be enough to cover a "typical" year that would span portions of two winter seasons. However, with greater than expected snow/ice events in late 2013 into 2014, there remains barely enough deicing materials in inventory to cover one event. For a typical first half of the snow season (October through December) staff budgets for five to six events. Thus, staff is requesting $25,000 be appropriated from the General Fund contingency reserve to the Public Works Streets Division chemical supplies account to provide for the purchase of 500 tons of chemical supplies. Any supplies that remain in inventory at year-end will be used in 2015 and would serve to reduce 2015 expenditures.
Approve attached resolution.
WHEREAS, Sound budgeting principles promote appropriating necessary funds required to accomplish approved objectives; and
WHEREAS, Sound budgeting principles also promote providing for contingencies and unforeseen emergencies so as to not prevent objectives from being met; and
WHEREAS, $227,400 was appropriated in 2014 for the purchase of snow removal supplies and chemicals; and
WHEREAS, the first six months of 2014 produced an inordinate amount of snow and ice causing the depletion of the City's snow management supplies; and
WHEREAS, City staff anticipates the likelihood of five to six snow/ice events occurring before the end of 2014, requiring the purchase of additional salt/sand chemical mix at the contractual cost of $25,000;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Blaine amends the 2014 General Fund Budget, and authorizes the City Manager to re-appropriate up to $25,000 from the General Fund's contingency reserve to the Public Services Department Street Maintenance Division chemical supplies account, 101.50.530.533.5305-4208.
PASSED by the City Council this 16th day of October 2014.