CONSENT AGENDA - Jean M. Keely, City Engineer
A requirement of the Walmart development on Ball Road is the developer's lengthening of the I35W exit ramp at Lexington Avenue, addition of a second turn lane on south bound Lexington Avenue to Ball Road, and traffic signal modifications within MNDOT right of way. MNDOT has prepared a zero dollar agreement for the construction that requires City Council approval and execution. The agreement states that the City will perform all work, which the City has assigned to the developer as a development obligation. MNDOT is aware that the work will be performed by the developer's contractor at the developer's expense but requires this agreement with the City to permit the work to occur within their right of way.
By motion, approve the Resolution.
WHEREAS, the developer of the Walmart development on Ball Road is required to perform construction activities on the I35W exit ramp and Lexington Avenue (CSAH 17) within MNDOT right of way; and
WHEREAS, the required improvements are being constructed by the developer's contractor at the developer's expense; and
WHEREAS, MNDOT requires the City to enter into a zero dollar agreement to permit the developer's contractor to work within MNDOT right of way.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Blaine City Council authorizes the Mayor and City Manager to enter into MNDOT Agreement No. 1000033 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes:
To provide for a permit to construct by the State to the City for the TH35W at Lexington Avenue ramp repair construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35W at the Lexington Avenue exit ramp and on CSAH 17 from TH35W exit ramp to 100 feet south of Ball Road within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 0280-75 (TH35W=063) and SAP 106-020-033.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 5th day of March, 2015.