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File #: RES 18-91    Version: 1 Name: Cottagewood Cove - Pre Plat
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 5/17/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/17/2018 Final action: 5/17/2018
Sponsors: Bryan Schafer

DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS - Bryan K. Schafer, Planning and Community Development Director





Schedule of Actions

Planning Commission (Public Hearing)


City Council (1st Reading Rezone)


City Council (2nd Reading Rezone, Pre-Plat, CUP)


City Council (Final Plat)


Action Deadline



Planning Commission Action

The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the preliminary plat. There were two comments at the public hearing - one opposed to the rezoning and one in support of the project with encouragement for additional trees.  One emailed comment expressed the desire to retain as many trees on site as possible.



The North East Area Plan Amendment, approved in 2002, created a land use designation of LDR (Low Density Residential) for this parcel. The proposed single-family development is consistent with the land use designation.


The applicant is requesting a rezoning, a preliminary plat, and a conditional use permit.



The property currently has an existing zoning designation of FR (Farm Residential) and is guided in the Comprehensive Plan as LDR (Low Density Residential). The project zoning is proposed to be DF (Development Flex) to cover all of the residential uses. With the DF zoning, housing products and neighborhood design issues will require and be regulated by a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The proposed DF zoning is consistent with the surrounding area.


Preliminary Plat

The current preliminary plat proposal consists of subdividing approximately 10.07 acres into 18 lots containing 16 single-family lots and two outlots. The application proposes single-family homes consistent with the DF zoning and the LDR land use designation. The 16 single-family lots have a minimum lot width of 70 feet, which is consistent with the surrounding lots.  The outlots will be used for storm water ponding and wetlands.


There will be one street connection to 129th Avenue and a cul-de-sac on the north end of the development. An eight-foot bituminous trail must be constructed by the developer on Outlot B to access the City’s open space to the east.  The bituminous trial to extend and connect to the City’s existing woodchip trail in the open space.


The developer has the responsibility for financial participation in 131st Avenue NE improvements associated with this development.  The improvements include but are not limited to, one half of the cost to construct 131st Avenue across the entire northern property line of the Cottagewood Cove plat, approximately 330 feet.  These improvements will include construction of 131st Avenue to a State Aid street standard, a 10-foot bituminous trail and a six-foot concrete sidewalk.


Park dedication will be required for the 16 new lots being constructed at the rate of $4,320 per unit, for a total park dedication fee of $69,120 if paid in 2018.  This amount must be paid prior to releasing the plat Mylar’s for recording at Anoka County.  The developer will not receive a park credit for constructing the small section of trail in Outlot B. 


All local public streets require dedication of 60 feet of right-of-way and shall be constructed to 29 feet back to back of width. All streets will follow the Anoka County street name grid system.


Standard utility and drainage easements must be dedicated along all lot lines and over areas of delineated wetlands, wetland mitigation, infiltration trenches, drainage swales, and storm water management ponds. The Developer is to provide access for inspection and maintenance of storm water management infrastructure. Restrictions will be placed on lot lines as needed to limit fences and landscaping to ensure access.


Development requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activity from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). A prerequisite to the MPCA permit application includes preparation of a site Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the development site.


Construction contract documents shall include a grading, erosion protection, sediment control, development, utilities, roadway, and storm drainage plans. Plans shall detail tree preservation, erosion protection, sediment control, proposed grading contours, utilities, roadway geometrics, storm drainage, storm water quality management, custom lot grading, structure type, and structure elevation information. Additional information is required on adjacent parcels that indicate existing drainage patterns are being addressed. The development plan shall indicate all structures will be protected from flooding. Supporting geotechnical investigation report, soil-boring logs and hydrology report shall be included in the submittal for City review and approval.


A Coon Creek Watershed District (CCWD) permit is required prior to any site construction.  


As-built surveys shall be required to verify structure elevations, custom grading requirements, and final lot grading elevations.


The recommendations outlined are contingent upon the City Council and the Metropolitan Council both reviewing and approving the City’s Sewer Plan amendment that moves this property into the District 6 Sewer Area. These proposed actions cannot be implemented until that occurs. This condition is outlined in the resolution for the preliminary plat.


Conditional Use Permit

The conditional use permit is necessary to set up the standards of development in the DF (Development Flex) zoning district.  This is consistent with every DF zoning district within the City. 


All setbacks are listed within the proposed resolution for approval.  Also included in the resolution are house size standards, exterior material standards and landscaping requirements. The developer is proposing minimum 70-foot wide lots.


The developer is proposing the Hampton model that is predominantly two-stories with four bedrooms, three bathrooms and is approximately 2,500 square feet. The first floor will be approximately 1,250 square feet and the second floor will be approximately 1,250 square feet. The building facades will include varying amounts of stone or brick. The estimated base pricing will be in the mid $400,000’s. 


Approximately 10 acres will be disturbed during construction and the City’s tree preservation requirement includes replacing eight trees per acre for all disturbed portions of the development.  This would mean that 80 trees would be required for tree replacement purposes. Prior to the release of the final plat Mylar’s the developer will need to present an overall landscape plan that includes 80 trees on site. This can be accomplished by allocating three trees per lot (for a total of 48 trees) and planting an additional 32 trees elsewhere on site.


The developer will be required to plant as many of the 32 required trees as possible along the north side of the required 8-foot bituminous trail and along the rear lot lines of proposed Lots 14-16.  The developer will need to provide a landscape plan detailing the plantings prior to the release of the final plat Mylar’s. The developer also has the option to pay $300 per tree to the reforestation account if they choose not to or are unable to plant all of the required 32 additional trees subject to City approval.



By motion, approve the Resolution.



See Report for Rezone.



                     WHEREAS, an application has been filed by Cottagewood Cove, LLC as subdivision Case File No. 18-0018; and


                     WHEREAS, said case involves the division of land described as follows:




                     WHEREAS, the Blaine Planning Commission has reviewed said case file on April 10, 2018; and


                     WHEREAS, the Blaine Planning Commission has recommended subdivision Case File No. 18-0018 be approved subject to certain stipulations; and


                     WHEREAS the Blaine City Council has reviewed said case file on May 17, 2018.


                     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Blaine that preliminary plat approval per Section 74-42 of the subdivision regulations is hereby granted for Cottagewood Cove permitting preparation of a final plat for approval per Section 74-43 subject to the following conditions:


1.                     All streets will follow the Anoka County street name grid system.

2.                     Developer installed improvements shall include construction of 129th Avenue and the cul-de-sac within the plat including lateral sanitary sewer and water main with services, storm drainage improvements, storm water management and water quality treatment infrastructure, streets with concrete curb and gutter, 6 foot concrete sidewalks and 8 foot bituminous trail extended to the existing trail in the City’s open space, streetlights, mailboxes, traffic control signs, street signs, and all appurtenant items.

3.                     The developer has the responsibility for financial participation in 131st Avenue NE improvements associated with this development.  The improvements include but are not limited to, one half of the cost to construct 131st Avenue across the entire northern property line of the Cottagewood Cove plat, approximately 330 feet.  These improvements will include construction of 131st Avenue to a State Aid street standard, a 10-foot bituminous trail and a six-foot concrete sidewalk. The dollar amount of the participation will be outlined and required as an payment with the Development Agreement.

4.                     Plans and specifications must be approved by the City prior to start of construction.

5.                     Trunk sanitary sewer area charges become due with platting for upland acreage. The 2018 rate for Sanitary Sewer District 6-5 is $6,229 per upland acre.  

6.                     Street and utility extensions are required to the edges of the plat for future connection to adjacent parcels.

7.                     Standard utility and drainage easements must be dedicated along all lot lines and over areas of delineated wetlands, wetland mitigation, infiltration trenches, drainage swales, and storm water management ponds.

8.                     Each lot shall have a minimum rear yard area behind each structure of a minimum of 20 feet from the structure at a maximum grade of 5%.

9.                     The Developer is to provide access for inspection and maintenance of storm water management infrastructure. Restrictions will be placed on lot lines as needed to limit fences and landscaping to insure access.

10.                      Development requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). A prerequisite to the MPCA permit application includes preparation of a site Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the development site.

11.                      Construction contract documents shall include a rough grading, erosion protection, sediment control, development, utilities, roadway, and storm drainage plans. Supporting wetland delineation report, geotechnical investigation report, soil-boring logs, and hydrology report shall be included in the submittal for City review and approval.

12.                      The development plan shall indicate all structures will be protected from flooding.

13.                      Coon Creek Watershed concurrence is required prior to City Council consideration of preliminary plat and a Coon Creek Watershed District permit is required prior to any site construction.

14.                      As-built surveys shall be required to verify structure elevations, custom grading requirements, and final lot grading elevations.

15.                      Developer to install grouped mailboxes with design and locations approved by City and US Postal Service.

16.                     Water and sanitary sewer availability charges (WAC & SAC) become due with each building permit at the rate established at the time the building permit is issued.

17.                      All development signage by separate review.

18.                      All wells and septic systems to be properly abandoned per all local and state requirements. 

19.                      All structures on the parcel to be removed prior to the plat being released for recording with Anoka County.

20.                      Park dedication is required for each of the 16 lots at the rate in effect at time of Final Plat. The 2018 rate is $4,320 per lot or $69,120 if platted and paid in 2018.

21.                      Prior to the release of the final plat Mylar’s the developer will need to present an overall landscape plan that includes 80 trees on site. The landscape plan will need to show three trees per lot (48 trees). The developer will also be required to plant as many of the 32 additional trees as possible along the north side of the required 8-foot bituminous trail and along the rear lot lines of proposed Lots 14-16.  The developer also has the option to pay $300 per tree to the reforestation account if they choose not to or are unable to plant all of the required 32 additional trees, subject to City approval.

22.                     Execution and recording of a Development Agreement, which sets forth in greater detail the plat conditions as well as other responsibilities for the development of this plat.

23.                      The Mayor, City Clerk and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute any and all necessary documents, agreements and releases related to the approval, recording or administration of Cottagewood Cove.

24.                      This resolution is contingent upon the City Council and the Metropolitan Council both reviewing and approving the City’s Sewer Plan amendment that moves this property into the District 6 Sewer Area. These proposed actions cannot be implemented until that occurs.


PASSED by City Council of the City of Blaine this 17th day of May, 2018.