ITEM: 12.1 ADMINISTRATION - Jean M. Keely, City Engineer
Plans and specifications have been prepared as directed and are available for Council review in the Engineer's office. At the conclusion of the April 3, 2014 Public Hearing, Council asked to have additional information brought back on striping, road width, and the Able Street connection with CSAH 10. With an average daily traffic count of 3900 vehicles per day on Able Street, the minimum Municipal State Aid (MSA) street design is concrete curb and gutter at 32 foot wide to accommodate two twelve foot travel lanes and one eight foot parking lane on the east side. Proposed striping will delineate this lane configuration of one lane in each direction with a designated parking lane. Parking restrictions will remain on the west side of the street per Council Resolution No. 97-128 approved on May 15, 1997. Anoka County has been notified of the resident request to consider concrete for the north leg of the intersection with Able Street and CSAH 10 and to look at drainage issues in the rural ditch drainage system along the north side of CSAH 10.
The proposed improvements include installation of concrete curb and gutter, spot concrete sidewalk replacement, storm sewer and structures, asphalt surface, traffic control signage, striping, and appurtenant construction for Able Street from CSAH 10 to 89th Avenue. The estimated total cost of the project is $773,140, of which $93,860 is proposed to be assessed over a ten-year period. Replacement of existing sanitary sewer castings/rings and replacement of existing hydrant and gate valves, estimated cost of $27,270, is proposed to be paid for by the City Public Utility Fund. The remaining portion of $652,010 is proposed to be paid from the City's Municipal State Aid Street Fund and the City's Pavement Management Program Fund. The project is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible and will result in a benefit to the properties proposed to be assessed.
Schedule of Actions
10/03/13 |
Initiate Project and Order Preparation of Feasibility Report |
03/06/14 |
Receive Feasibility Report and Order Public Hearing |
03/18/14 |
Hold Public/Business Information Meeting |
04/03/14 |
Hold Public Hearing, Order Improvement, and |
Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications |
05/01/14 |
Approve Plans & Specifications and Order Advertisement |
for Bids |
06/03/14 |
Open Bids |
06/19/14 |
Accept Bid |
06/30/14 |
Begin Construction of Improvements |
11/2014 |
Assess Improvements |
2015 |
First Assessment Payment Due with Real Estate Taxes |
By motion, approve the resolution.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 14-049 of the Blaine City Council, adopted on the 3rd day of April, 2014, the Engineering Department has prepared plans and specifications for the following improvements:
Installation of concrete curb and gutter, spot concrete sidewalk replacement, storm sewer and structures, asphalt surface, traffic control signage, striping, and appurtenant construction for Able Street from CSAH 10 to 89th Avenue.
AND WHEREAS, the Engineering Department has presented such plans and specifications to the City Council for their approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Blaine as follows:
1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which are filed in the City Engineer's office, are hereby approved.
2. The City Manager shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper of the City an advertisement for bid for the making of such improvements pursuant to the approved plans and specifications.
3. Such advertisement for bids shall call for sealed bids in compliance with Notice to Contractor for the advertisement for bids.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 1st day of May, 2014.