ITEM: 12.4 ADMINISTRATION- Jane M. Cross, City Clerk
Four vacancies exist on the Park Board due to the expiration of terms as follows: Rex Markle, Ward 1; Prad Das, Ward 2; Ron Leathers, Ward 3 and Jerry Walthour, Chair at Large. All incumbents, Rex Markle, Prad Das, Ron Leathers and Jerry Walthour have submitted an application seeking reappointment. The 2012 Park Advisory Board list is attached for reference.
In addition to the incumbents, the City received five applications from interested residents in the community. The Council interviewed Park Advisory Board applicant finalists on January 14, 2013.
As a reminder, at least two members must reside in each Council election ward for the term of their appointment to the Park Advisory Board. Appointments need to be made as follows:
- one commissioner in Ward 1 for a two-year term
- one commissioner in Ward 2 for a two-year term
- one commissioner in Ward 3 for a two-year term
- one Chair-at-Large for a two-year term
The method of appointment was adopted by the Blaine City Council in 1996 and became effective in 1997. Ordinance No. 96-1629 provides that the Mayor will announce the appointment of the appointees to serve two-year terms on the Park Advisory Board.
The Council will confirm the appointments at the February 21, 2013 Council meeting.
The Park Advisory Board appointees will be sworn into office at the March 26, 2013 Park Advisory Board meeting or at an arranged time with the City Clerk's office.
Mayor announces the appointment of three persons to serve two-year terms and one Chair-at-Large on the Park Advisory Board.
2012 Park Advisory Board List