DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS - Bryan K. Schafer, Planning and Community Development Director
Schedule of Actions
Tough Mudder Inc; a national/international event promotions group, has reached an agreement with the Metro Gun Club to hold a 2015 adventure run similar to other one and two-day events held in the past two years. The 2015 event would be over two-days scheduled for Saturday July 18, 2015 and Sunday July 19, 2015. The event would be centered on the grounds of the Metro Gun Club but other adjacent property would be used for obstacle course or parking.
While a detailed event description is attached the event highlights can be summarized as follows:
· Event is Saturday July 18th and Sunday July 19th 2015 |
· An extended obstacle course over multiple property covering 11 miles |
· 22-26 obstacles of varying complexity |
· Event hours are from 8:00 am (Saturday) and 10:00 AM (Sunday) until mid afternoon with races operated in waves or heats every 20 minutes. |
· All race times are pre-registered with approximately 400-500 participants per wave. |
· Up to 9,000 participants will be expected on Saturday with a smaller 3,000 number on Sunday. |
· All participant/spectator parking will be off-site on the CSM property at south end of Pheasant Ridge Drive. |
· The site will have vendors for food and beverage including beer sales. |
· Music is piped over a PA system throughout the event staging area. |
· All activities will end at approximately 4:00 PM with the site cleared of participants by 6:30 or 7:00 PM. |
While the nature and scope of this event is somewhat unique and different than other events such as those at the NSC, the process for review and type of event planning needed to successfully operate this event is very similar. Staff will be working with the applicant over the next several months to develop the management/operational plans that are needed to make sure the event is operated at a functional and safety level on par with other regional draw events held within the City.
The action being requested by the City Council is the approval of a Special Event Permit rather than a CUP (Conditional Use Permit).
Notice of this meeting was sent to adjacent property owners within a 1,000 foot radius of the site.
By motion, approve the Resolution granting a Special Event Permit.
Location Map
Event Narrative
WHEREAS, an event request has been made by the Tough Mudder and Metro Gun Club for a Special Event Permit as Case File No. 14-0054; and
WHEREAS, the Blaine City Council has reviewed said case on September 18, 2014.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Blaine that a Special Event Permit is hereby approved to allow an outdoor obstacle/adventure challenge known as Tough Mudder on July 18 and 19, 2015 at the Metro Gun Club (10601 Naples Street) (also utilizing four other adjacent properties) based on the following stipulations:
1. Mud Run event to be operated consistent with the materials and descriptions made part of this application or as subsequently modified by the approved Event Operations Plan.
2. Tough Mudder to pay a $900 special event fee. Payment to be made within 10 days after City Council approval of event.
3. Event races to begin no earlier than 8:00 AM and to end on or before 4:00 PM.
4. All other event activities to be completed by 6:00 PM and site (event site and off-site parking) to be cleared by 7:30 PM.
5. Alcohol to be sold and distributed at the event is limited to beer. No alcohol is allowed to be brought into the event.
6. Applicant agrees to lower concert noise (PA Music) if requested by Blaine Public Safety.
7. This Special Event is for a two-day event only on July 18, 2015 and July 19, 2015.
8. The applicant shall not permit tailgating before, during or after in the leased parking area.
9. No overnight camping is allowed on either the event site or off-site parking area.
10. At least 45 days prior to the event, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the City of Blaine, an acceptable Event Operations Plan (EOP), to be implemented by the applicant, encompassing at a minimum the following items:
§ On and off-site litter control |
§ Emergency |
§ Security plan and identification of the experienced command person(s) |
§ Specific traffic management and off-site parking plan |
§ Plan to address evacuation and participant safety in case of inclement weather |
§ Plan to mitigate adverse impacts on the adjacent business area |
§ Portable restroom facilities |
11. A City approved EOP to be in place at least 10-days prior to the event.
12. Applicant to execute a RPS Agreement for use and cost reimbursement of Blaine Public Safety officers. 50% deposit to be made at least 30 days prior to event.
13. All above grade obstacles shall be designed or have plans signed off by a structural engineer.
14. All above grade obstacles shall have installation inspected and certified by a structural engineer.
15. All above grade obstacles will require a building permit.
16. All tents greater than 200 square feet and all canopies over 400 square feet require set-up review and permit thru the City (Fire Department).
17. All food vender locations to be reviewed and licensed (if required) by Anoka County Health Department.
18. Rice Creek Watershed District approval required 30 days prior to the event.
19. The applicant shall operate the event consistent with City codes and State statutes.
20. The applicant, at least 30 days prior to event, to submit to the City evidence of agreements to utilize all off-site property for the event.
21. The event promoter shall execute a liability waiver to the City and provide necessary liability insurance policy, at liability amounts prescribed by the City's Risk Manager, naming City as additional insured. Document to be in place at least 30 days prior to event.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 18th day of September 2014.