Workshop Item: 1 - Robert Therres, Public Services Manager
In 2009, Anoka County applied for Surface Transportation Program funding to widen and reconstruct University Avenue (CSAH 51) from 109th Avenue to just north of 121st Avenue (where the 125th Avenue Design Build project ended). Their funding application was approved and the County is now completing the Environmental Assessment (EA) and design and preparing for right-of-way acquisition in 2013 and construction in 2014.
The design for the road is based on the needs of today and future traffic demands. The project involves reconstructing the existing 2-lane roadway into a new 4-lane divided roadway with medians, curb and gutter and pedestrian trails on both sides of the road. The project also involves the reconstruction of major intersections, including the installation of turn lanes at all public streets. Traffic signals will remain at the 109th, 111th, 117th and 121st Avenue intersections. In addition, the County is in the process of studying the feasibility of a traffic signal at 113th Avenue.
Two public information meetings were held on February 15 and August 29, 2012. A noise wall meeting for affected residents was held on December 11, 2012. The County has provided every property owner with a packet of information and has met with or talked to, on an individual basis, property owners with concerns and questions. The Environmental Assessment is in the draft review stage and will soon be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Once the FHWA has completed its review and given authorization, the County will schedule the required public hearing on the EA.
The estimated construction cost of the total project is $9.75 million with Federal funds capped at $6.4 million. Federal funds will cover a portion of City costs. Anoka County has prepared a draft Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) based on their cost participation policy. The City is being asked to pay for a portion of curb and gutter, a portion of traffic control, a percentage of storm drainage improvements based on contributing area, the trail on the east side of the road and a portion of the traffic signals at 111th, 117th and 121st Avenues. The estimated City construction cost participation after federal funds are applied is $281,960 plus 8% construction engineering costs for a total of $346,936. If a traffic signal at 113th Avenue is installed, the City will have additional costs for a portion of the signal.
The JPA also spells out future maintenance obligations of the City to include storm sewer and detention basins, bituminous trail, crosswalk pavement markings at all City streets, street lights, luminaries and EVP systems on the traffic signals, and ongoing electrical costs for street lights and traffic signals.
Anoka County staff will provide additional information as they present the project and draft JPA to Council for consideration.
Council Direction to Staff
1. Is the Council comfortable with the draft Joint Powers Agreement and would the Council want it to be scheduled for consideration on the February 7, 2013 Council agenda?
2. Does the Council want to include aesthetic upgrades to the noise walls in the JPA similar to those installed on TH 65 and Radisson Road?
3. Does the Council want to recommend colored concrete in the median similar to the 125th Avenue and southern University Avenue projects? This could require concurrence from Coon Rapids if cost sharing is considered in the JPA.