Robert Therres, Public Services Manager
Postponed from 11/6/14
Council has heard several times from the Xylite Street neighborhood about their concerns over the quantity of trucks on Xylite Street between Rice Creek Parkway and 95th Avenue. This residential area is bounded by the airport to the west, I35W to the east, and industrial properties to the north and south.
The speed trailer and traffic count tubes have been placed on this segment of Xylite Street many times over the last twenty years. The Police Department has done numerous enforcement efforts in this area. The bituminous plants to the north and bus company to the south have been asked to direct their vehicles to the County Road and Trunk Highway system to access their facilities.
In response to neighborhood concerns, the City Council has asked to have Xylite Street posted with a truck weight restriction and have it enforced with weight checks utilizing the City's mobile truck scale. With approximately seven inches of gravel base and two inches of pavement in the corner of Xylite Street and 95th Avenue, a weight restriction of five tons per axle could be authorized by Council resolution. This weight limit will not restrict all trucks and buses that are empty but would restrict most trucks when fully loaded.
Posting of a weight restriction on Xylite Street and 95th Avenue will require additional enforcement effort by the Police Department. Some trucks will likely divert to Rice Creek Parkway to avoid the weight restriction area. Council has already heard concern over truck traffic in the past from the Rice Creek Parkway neighborhood.
Council has asked about posting "No Truck" signs on Rice Creek Parkway, but this is not allowed on a Municipal State Aid (MSA) route. Attached to this item is a letter dated July 30, 2013 from MNDOT on the status of repayment of MSA funds if Rice Creek Parkway (part of MSA Route 131) was removed from the MSA street designation in order to post it for "No Trucks". The 2013 total repayment to MNDOT was $377,709, which is $334,520 in 2014 dollars. If the City chose to revoke MSA Route 131, the total payback would be paid short on the City's next project pay request from State Aid. The City Council would have to determine how to cover the lost funds from a MSA project not in this area.
Does the City Council want a Resolution prepared to restrict trucks over five tons per axle from Xylite Street and 95th Avenue?