Workshop Item: 4 - Robert Therres, Public Services Manager
In preparing for the 2014 Budget, Park and Recreation staff discussed charges for services and programs. Among the discussions was several policy issues that staff is seeking City Council feedback on.
1. Staff is recommending that we institute resident/non-resident fees for recreation programs. Research of other cities has indicated that this is becoming common. Staff is proposing having a non-resident fee $3.00-$5.00 more per program. An example would be a program that costs residents $40.00 would cost non-residents $45.00. Staff feels that this will have little effect on participation and would increase revenues approximately $4,500.
2. Staff is recommending charging non-profit organizations for use of park facilities. Currently non-profits based in Blaine do not pay to use any of our park facilities. This creates situations where some of our popular facilities are booked on “prime” times by non-profits thus cutting into the revenues that could be realized for renting our facilities. Research of neighboring cities indicates that while not common, more cities are starting to do this. This could increase revenues approximately $3,000.
3. Discussion on Park Dedication Fees - In looking at our future development and development of open space and parks, staff has discussed changing how our park dedication fees are allotted. Currently 65% of residential and 100% commercial/industrial park dedication fees go to the Park Fund with the remaining 35% going to the open space fund.
The park dedication fees can only be used for development purposes in the parks and open spaces. Staff sees a greater need for funds in the Park Fund going forward than in the Open Space fund.
Staff will have some spreadsheets that will show how several scenarios will impact the Park and Open Space Funds.
Staff is looking for feedback on whether to proceed with any or all of these recommended changes. The fee ordinance that is adopted by the City Council each year will be adjusted based on the Council’s feedback.