ADMINISTRATION - Joe Huss, Finance Director
The City is looking to replace its aging telephone system with a more capable system in the near future. With little in-house expertise to manage a project of this type, staff intends to make use of a consultant to manage the project from its initiation through system implementation and assist in the evaluation, selection, and installation of a new telephone system.
To that end, staff solicited proposals from four firms, with two of those firms responding to the City’s request. The Request for Proposals (RFP) included the following services:
• Review and evaluation of the current phone system
• Preparation of a needs assessment
• Recommendation on the most cost-effective telephony solution
• Preparation of an RFP for system replacement
• Evaluation of vendor proposals
• Serving as Project Manager for the installation and implementation of the selected phone system
The two responding firms and their proposed fees are:
• Elert & Associates, Stillwater, MN $19,920
• Technology Management Corporation, Shorewood, MN $27,000
A committee, composed of a cross-section of staff from various City departments reviewed the proposals and has recommended selecting Elert & Associates to provide consulting services for this project. The committee’s report is attached and notes that the selection of a consultant should only be done if Council intends to approve funding for a new telephone system in the 2016 Capital Budget because any recommendations presented by a consultant would likely be very different and not current after 2016 because technology changes so quickly. Staff’s estimate for a new phone system is $150,000.
By motion, authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract with Elert & Associates to provide consulting services for the selection of a new telephone system for an amount not to exceed $19,920.