ADMINISTRATION - Cathy Sorensen, City Clerk
The League of Minnesota Cities is requesting consideration of a resolution in support of Early Voting (SF 414). This bill would establish an early voting process beginning 15 days prior to Election Day through 5 p.m. on the third day before the election. Pending certification of statewide systems and voting equipment the law would be effective for elections held on or after Aug. 1, 2015. The proposed legislation would not change the current process for mailing absentee ballots but would establish a true early voting system for those voting in person at City Hall, which would be beneficial to both the voter and the City. Highlights of this proposed legislation are listed below:
· Allows voters who cast ballots in person at City Hall 15 days before Election Day to be treated the same as voters who vote in their polling place on Election Day
· Early voters who may mismark their ballots through an overvote or crossover vote (such as in the Primary) would have the opportunity to correct their ballot before it is counted
· Early voting process is much easier and faster as no absentee applications or multiple envelopes are necessary
· Voter confidence is increased because voters insert their ballots directly into the tabulator versus an envelope which is secured until transported to Anoka County for processing and tabulation
· Printing, mailing, and staff costs are greatly reduced
Council is asked to adopt the proposed resolution in support of legislation establishing an early voting process.
WHEREAS, Minnesota law currently provides for no-excuse absentee voting by mail and in-person; and
WHEREAS, with in-person absentee voting, the voter must place their voted ballot in a series of envelopes that is processed at a later date by election officials; and
WHEREAS, early voting would allow a voter to place their voted ballot directly into the ballot tabulator, thereby reducing the risk of voter errors and reducing the administrative costs involved with in-person absentee voting; and
WHEREAS, a process will still be provided for voters to request and submit an absentee ballot by mail;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Blaine City Council hereby supports legislation establishing an early voting process for the voters in the State of Minnesota.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that by establishing an early voting process, taxpayer dollars will be saved and a better service will be provided to Minnesota voters.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 19th day of March, 2015.