ITEM: 12.5 ADMINISTRATION - Jean Keely, City Engineer
At the October 10, 2013 Council workshop, staff brought forward a list of proposed projects for the 2014 Pavement Management Program (PMP). One of these projects was street reconstructions for various streets throughout the city as shown on the enclosed map. These streets have been rated and identified as needing to be reconstructed. The streets located in the D. Erickson 4th Addition subdivision were originally constructed in 1988 and the streets located in the Jackson Place subdivision were originally constructed in 1990. All streets have concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer. It is anticipated that the reconstruction will generally consist of removal and replacement of the existing pavement and curb repair/replacement where necessary.
Staff is recommending that the 2014 Street Reconstructions project be composed of the following city streets as shown on the enclosed map:
D. Erickson 4th Addition
· 131st Avenue from approximately 340 feet west of the Central Ave Service Road to the cul de sac
· 130th Lane from Johnson Street to Lincoln Street
· 130th Avenue from Johnson Street to Lincoln Street
· 129th Lane from Johnson Street to Lincoln Street
· Lincoln Street from 129th Lane to 130th Lane
· Johnson Street from 129th Avenue to 131st Avenue
Jackson Place
· Jackson Street from 99th Avenue to 175 feet south of 101st Avenue
· 99th Lane from Jackson Street to 99th Circle
· 99th Circle from 99th Lane to 99th Lane
The preliminary cost estimate is roughly $500,000 to be funded through a combination of assessments to benefitting properties and the PMP capital improvement plan funds.
The Finance Department is in the process of updating the PMP capital improvement plan to reflect the latest cost estimates. The streets which will be brought forth in the Feasibility Report will reflect the amount of available funding and may be reduced somewhat from what is shown on the enclosed map.
If approved, this resolution initiates the proposed 2014 Street Reconstructions project and orders preparation of a feasibility report.
Recommended Council Action
By motion, approve the Resolution.
WHEREAS, the City Council is aware of the need to maintain City streets in a condition that provides for functional, safe and efficient travel; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the public interest to implement a Pavement Management Program to maintain City streets in a logical and cost-efficient manner; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a Pavement Management Policy by Resolution No. 10-87 on October 7, 2010 to serve as the framework for implementing a Pavement Management Program; and
WHEREAS, the City Council proposes to initiate a project of street reconstructions on various streets throughout the City in the fourth year of the Pavement Management Program; and
WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the costs of the improvements, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Blaine that the proposed improvements are hereby referred to the City Engineer to provide the Council with a Feasibility Report and to advise the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvements are necessary, cost-effective, and feasible, and the estimated cost of the improvements as recommended.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 7th day of November, 2013.