Workshop Item: 1 - Bryan K. Schafer, Planning and Community Development Director
The applicant took over the veterinary outpatient clinic at 625 County Road 10 NE in 2007 under the name of Companion Veterinary Hospital. The applicant was not aware of the Conditional Use Permit requirements prior to purchasing the building in 2007 from the former owner. However, after learning of the CUP requirements they have spent the last several years trying to establish the business in order to comply. These improvements (site work and fire suppression) were required in the original Conditional Use Permit to be completed initially in 2007.
In November of 2011 the City Council extended the time period for two years on the required parking lot and landscape improvements. The Council also extended the timeframe for the required fire suppression but only for one year. At the same time however the City Council requested that the applicant provide, within 6-months, a specific plan and timetable for completing the building fire suppression system.
The attached letter (dated May 3, 2012) was received by the City and indicates the cost of the fire suppression to be $43,000. They have reviewed the Fire Grant program that would pay 50% of that cost but they indicate their share is still beyond the ability to pay or to secure financing. In the letter they also suggest an alternative to a fire suppression system, but that option does not meet requirements.
Staff is seeking City Council direction on this issue. Below are outlined three possible scenarios for City Council consideration:
• Seek CUP compliance through legal action involving court citations consistent with Zoning Ordinance Section 27.04 (f) (2)...
• Extend the deadline in which to comply with the fire suppression by an additional 24 months.
• Assist financially by providing the $21,500 match needed for the Fire Grant in the form of a multi-year loan or special assessment. The EDA could provide the funds for the loan as a way to support a local business.
Companion Vet Clinic Letter (May 3, 2012)