Robert Therres, Public Services Manager
At the March 6, 2014 Council Workshop, County Engineer Doug Fischer discussed the turnback of 105th Avenue from Anoka County to the City of Blaine. He stated that the pavement has seen its useful life but the subgrade was fine with no evidence of distress from subgrade failure. He stated that the road needs a mill and overlay which is estimated to cost $1.1 million. In lieu of the County doing a mill and overlay on 105th Avenue, Mr. Fischer stated that the County would propose to pay $1.1 million toward the City's reconstruction of the roadway. Anoka County Commissioners are anxious to turn 105th Avenue from TH 65 to Radisson Road over to the City.
The City, County, and National Sports Center staff met in June to discuss the process of the turnback and to discuss sharing the cost of hiring a consultant to assist in the redesign of 105th Avenue. The County stated that they are not interested in participating in the cost of redesign as they have offered a lump sum of $1.1 million for the City to spend on the roadway. The National Sports Center stated they do not have funds available to assist in the redesign of 105th Avenue.
An estimate of $3.5 million was previously calculated to reconstruct 105th Avenue to add new pavement, median with turn lanes, traffic signals, pedestrian features, trees, street lights and fencing. A consultant contract to prepare environmental documents, design, and construction documents could be up to $500,000.
With the turnback of 105th Avenue a priority with the Anoka County Commissioners, staff is looking for Council direction on how to proceed:
- Bring back Anoka County's formal document for Council concurrence on the turnback of 105th Avenue from TH 65 to Radisson Road.
- Take the financial commitment from Anoka County in cash to help fund a portion of the cost of redesign and reconstruction of 105th Avenue.
- Develop an agreement with the National Sports Center on their pursuing legislative funding for financial participation in future improvements on 105th Avenue.
- Add 105th Avenue to the City's Municipal State Aid system to provide an additional funding source for proposed redesign and reconstruction.
- Put out a Request for Proposals to Engineering Consultants to start the process of redesign and reconstruction of 105th Avenue.