ADMINISTRATION - Jean M. Keely, City Engineer
City staff, in conjunction with Barr Engineering is currently working on developing a layout for the wells in the northeast area well field. A location was identified for a future Well #20 that lies within the Parkside North development. Staff has worked with the Developer (Parkside North, LLC) to identify a suitable specific location for the well. The location chosen lies on the north side of the 122nd Avenue right of way approximately 600 feet east of Lexington Avenue.
The Developer will be installing utilities in the 122nd Avenue road alignment this fall, including a trunk water main and sanitary sewer which will be stubbed to the west side of Lexington Avenue. Since Well #20 will need a dedicated water main connecting it to a future water treatment plant located on the Water Tower #4 site on the west side of Lexington Avenue, it would make sense to install this dedicated water main in conjunction with the trunk water main and sanitary sewer lines that the Developer will be installing. Waiting to install this dedicated water main at a later time would involve additional costs due to the disruptions that would need to occur to both the 122nd Avenue roadway and the 122nd Avenue/Lexington Avenue intersection.
Staff has reviewed the cost estimate submitted for this work by the Developer in the amount of $121,905 and recommends the Council authorize this work.
City Council is also asked to approve a 10% contingency to bring the total project budget to $134,095.50. The funding source for this project is the Water Utility Fund and there are sufficient funds to cover these costs.
By motion, adopt the resolution.
WHEREAS, the future Well #20, located on the north side of 122nd Avenue right of way, will require a dedicated watermain from the well to a future treatment plant on the Water Tower #4 site; and
WHEREAS, Parkside North, LLC will be installing trunk watermain and sanitary sewer lines in the 122nd Avenue road alignment to the west side of Lexington Avenue in the fall of 2015; and
WHEREAS, installation of the Well #20 dedicated watermain in conjunction with the installation of the trunk watermain and sanitary sewer is more efficient and will result in a cost savings to the City when compared to installation at a later time.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Blaine as follows:
1. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to reimburse Parkside North, LLC for construction of the designated improvements in the estimated amount of $121,905.00.
2. A 10% contingency is hereby approved to bring the total project budget to $134,095.50 and the Public Services Manager is hereby authorized to sign all change orders up to the authorized project budget amount.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 17th day of September, 2015.