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File #: RES 21-110    Version: 1 Name: CUP - Blaine Square 2nd Addition (21-0023)
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 5/17/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/17/2021 Final action: 5/17/2021
Title: Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Construct Two Freestanding Restaurants and a Bank, and Allow an Existing Retail/Restaurant/Office Building and Existing Minor Auto Repair to Remain with Shared Access and Parking in a DF (Development Flex) Zoning District at 12403 and 12417 Ulysses Street NE. Blaine Square LLC (Case File No. 21-0023/SLK)
Sponsors: Lori Johnson
Attachments: 1. Attachments, 2. PC Draft Minutes 041321

Development Business - Lori Johnson, City Planner




Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Construct Two Freestanding Restaurants and a Bank, and Allow an Existing Retail/Restaurant/Office Building and Existing Minor Auto Repair to Remain with Shared Access and Parking in a DF (Development Flex) Zoning District at 12403 and 12417 Ulysses Street NE. Blaine Square LLC (Case File No. 21-0023/SLK)



Executive Summary

The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the construction of two restaurants, a bank, and to allow an existing multi-tenant retail building and an existing minor auto repair. The request also includes shared access and parking on the entire site.


Schedule of Actions

Planning Commission Public Hearing


City Council (Conditional Use Permit)


Action Deadline




Staff report prepared by Shawn Kaye, Associate Planner


In 2000, the City Council granted approval for multiple buildings on one lot which included the existing restaurant/retail building and former Jiffy Lube building. The approval also included shared access/parking and approval for a minor auto repair (former Jiffy Lube). The applicant has purchased the property and is ready to begin construction on the second phase of this development.


The applicant is proposing to construct a 2,326 square foot restaurant (Chipotle), a 2,465 square foot restaurant (Popeyes), and a 3,292 square foot bank/office building. A 7,164 square foot existing retail/restaurant/office and a 1,720 square foot existing minor auto repair building will remain. The site plan outlines the building configuration and shows that the development will be comprised of several components. Also, the proposed building elevations for Chipotle and Popeyes have been submitted as a part of the application. Existing elevation photos have been provided for the multi-tenant building and minor auto repair building. The proposed bank building elevations will need to meet architectural standards in the Highway 65 Overlay District.



The rezoning from B-3 (Regional Commercial) to DF (Development Flex) is primarily intended to for better cross accesses, shared driveways and shared parking facilities that have been incorporated into the design of the site. Using the standard parking and building setback parameters of the B-3 zoning would not allow the type of building placement and access elements to be incorporated in the manner envisioned by the developer.


Preliminary Plat

Blaine Square Second Addition consists of five lots. Lot 1 is approximately .94 acres and a restaurant (Chipotle) is proposed for this lot. Lot 2 is approximately .69 acres and a restaurant (Popeyes) is proposed for this lot. Lot 3 is approximately 1.07 acres and the existing 7,164 multi-tenant building will remain on this parcel. Lot 4 is approximately .54 acres and the existing minor auto repair (former Jiffy Lube) will remain on this lot. Finally, a 3,292 square foot bank/office is proposed on a .83 acre parcel (Lot 5).


All accesses/driveways within this plat are considered private. Vehicles will be able to access the internal driveways via one access off Ulysses Street NE on the west side of the site.


Park dedication was previously paid with the original platting of the parcels in 1978.


Conditional Use Permit

All uses within the DF (Development Flex) require the approval of a conditional use permit. At this time, the applicant is requesting the approval of the uses proposed for Lots 1-5 of Blaine Square Second Addition.


The parking provided on site appears to be adequate for the uses proposed for this plat. A total of 126 parking stalls would be required for this plat for the uses proposed, and 137 parking spaces have been provided in the plat. Staff believes the excess number of parking spaces is appropriate given that the tenant spaces in the retail building could become small restaurants in the future. This extra parking would accommodate those uses. The sites will also be required to have a shared access and parking agreement.


The overall landscape plan meets the Highway 65 Overlay District requirements. The major emphasis of the landscape treatment will occur within the side yard setbacks and parking medians established within the site. The front yard landscaping adjacent to Ulysses Street is limited due to the construction of an underground infiltration basin in that area.


All buildings proposed meet the Highway 65 Overlay District architectural requirements. The proposed bank/office does not have completed building elevations but will need to meet the architectural requirements of the Highway 65 Overlay District with site plan approval. The existing buildings on Lots 3 and 4 will remain as is.


Any signage that is placed on this site requires a separate permit process and is addressed in the conditions. Each individual lot is allowed one monument sign with a maximum height of 14 feet and a maximum square footage of 140 square feet.


Strategic Plan Relationship

Not Applicable.


Board/Commission Review

The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the Conditional Use Permit.


There was a comment at the public hearing from a resident related to concerns with the level of traffic that would be entering and exiting the property. Staff stated they had reviewed the ingress and egress and understood this property was located on an inside curve. Staff indicated the site would have one “in” and two “outs” to assist with managing the traffic.


The Planning Commission had the following questions: when would construction begin on this project; if Chipotle would be closing their existing store on 105th Avenue; and if the site would be able to handle the restaurant drive through traffic.


The applicant hopes to start the project in June 2021. The project representative could not confirm at this time, but thought this Chipotle would be an additional location. The applicant explained Popeyes would have a drive through with two lines for ordering and merging into one lane for pick-up. Chipotle would have a Chipot-lane where customers could pick up online/pre-ordered food. The applicant and staff thought the layouts had adequate queuing for the drive through lanes.


Financial Impact

Not Applicable


Public Outreach/Input

Notice of a public hearing were:

1.                     Mailed to property owners within 350 feet of the property boundaries.

2.                     Published in Blaine/Spring Lake Park/Columbia Heights/Fridley Life.

3.                     Posted on the city website.

4.                     Posted (sign) on the property with contact information for the Planning Department.


Staff Recommendation

By motion, approve the resolution.


Attachment List

Zoning and Location Map

Site Plan

Preliminary Plat

Existing Conditions Survey

Grading Plan

Utility Plan

Landscape Plan

Building Elevations and Floor Plans - Proposed Chipotle, Proposed Popeyes, Existing Minor Auto Repair

Draft Planning Commission Minutes 4/13/21



                     WHEREAS, an application has been filed by RPSLEGACY108PROP LLC (Blaine Square LLC) as Conditional Use Permit Case File No. 21-0023; and


                     WHEREAS, said case involves the land described as follows:


Parcel 1:


Lot 1, Block 1, Blaine Square, according to the plat on file in the Office of the Registrar of Titles of Anoka County, Minnesota, less and except that part described as Parcel 31 on Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat Numbered 02-31 as the same is on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Minnesota.


Torrens Property


Parcel 2:


That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 31 North, Range 23 West, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of Central Avenue, so called, which point is 5 rods South of the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South along the center of said Central Avenue, 40 feet; thence West 16 rods; thence North 40 feet; thence East 16 rods to the point of beginning; excepting therefrom the right of way of Trunk Highway No. 65 as located and established prior to January 1, 1985;


Which lies Southerly of Line 1 described below:


Line 1: Beginning at a point on a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet Southerly of Line 2 described below, distant 400 feet Westerly of its intersection with the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence run Easterly along said 100 foot parallel line to a point, distant 200 feet Westerly of its intersection with said East line; thence run Southeasterly to a point on a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet Westerly of said East line, distant 200 feet Southerly of its intersection with Line 2 described below; thence run Southerly on said 100 foot parallel line for 200 feet and there terminating;


Line 2: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section 8; thence run Easterly to a point on the North and South Quarter line of Section 5, Township 31 North, Range 23 West, distant 4.9 feet North of the South Quarter corner thereof and there terminating.




That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 31 North, Range 23 West, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence running South 18 rods; thence West 18 rods; thence North 18 rods to the center line of Main Street, so called; thence East along the center line of said Main Street, 18 rods to the point of beginning; excepting therefrom that part described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence running South along the center line of Central Avenue, so called 5 rods; thence West 15 rods; thence North 5 rods to the center line of Main Street, so called; thence East along the center line of said Main Street, 16 rods to the point of beginning; also excepting therefrom that part described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the center line of Central Avenue, so called, which point is 5 rods South of the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South along the center of said Central Avenue a distance of 40 feet; thence West 16 rods; thence North 40 feet; thence East 16 rods to the point of beginning, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Anoka County, Minnesota.


Which lies Southerly and Westerly of Line 1 described below:


Line 1: Beginning at a point on a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet Southerly of Line 2 described below, distant 400 feet Westerly of its intersection with the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter thence run Easterly along said 100 foot parallel line to a point, distant 200 feet Westerly of its intersection with said East line; thence run Southeasterly to a point on a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet Westerly of said East line, distant 200 feet Southerly of its intersection with Line 2 described below; thence run Southerly on said 100 foot parallel line for 200 feet and there terminating;


Line 2: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section 8; thence run Easterly to a point on the North and South Quarter line of Section 5, Township 31 North, Range 23 West, distant 4.9 feet North of the South Quarter corner thereof and there terminating.


Except that part described as Parcel 31 on Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat Numbered 02-31.


Anoka County, Minnesota

Abstract Property


                     WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Blaine Planning Commission on April 13, 2021; and


                     WHEREAS, the Blaine Planning Commission recommends said Conditional Use Permit be approved; and


                     WHEREAS, the Blaine City Council has reviewed said case on May 17, 2021.


                     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Blaine that a Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved per Section 29.110 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for the construction of two freestanding restaurants and a bank building, and to allow an existing retail/restaurant/office building and minor auto repair to remain with shared access and parking in a DF (Development Flex) zoning district based on the following conditions:


1.                     Uses for Lots 1 and 2 to include restaurants and the use for Lot 3 to include general retail, restaurants and professional office. Lot 4 uses to include minor auto repair. Lot 5 allowed uses are bank/general office.

2.                     No outside display or storage of products is allowed at any time on site.

3.                     The uses for all lots will need a conditional use permit amendment if the use is not permitted by this conditional use permit, including outdoor dining.

4.                     Each individual lot/use will require site plan approval.

5.                     Site, buildings, and landscaping to be constructed consistent with submitted materials made part of this conditional use permit application.

6.                     The landscape plan must be consistent with the overall landscape plan.

7.                     The buildings constructed to be consistent with the Highway 65 Overlay District.

8.                     Permanent signage requires a separate permit approval process. Each individual lot is allowed one monument sign of a maximum height of 14 feet and a maximum square footage of 140 square feet.

9.                     Temporary signage to be regulated under Zoning Ordinance Section 34.13.

10.                     No overnight storage of delivery vehicles or semi-trailers unless approval is received from the Zoning Administrator.

11.                     No exterior overnight storage of pallets or delivered products.

12.                     All lighting on site must meet requirements established by Section 33.02 of the Zoning Ordinance. Freestanding light structures limited in height to not more than 20 feet.

13.                     A copy of the shared access/parking agreement with all sites must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to any work being allowed on site.

14.                     The uses permitted by this conditional use permit to be operated in accordance with all applicable city regulations and ordinance requirements. Violation of these standards or any conditions of the conditional use permit shall be enforceable, by the City as a misdemeanor violation.

15.                     The outdoor dining for Lot 1 to meet the following requirements:

a)                     Plans for amplified background music for the outdoor dining area to be reviewed and approved by the City prior to installation. Volume levels for the music to be limited to not more than “normal conversation” levels and shall not be discernable or cause a nuisance to other land uses.

b)                     No outdoor advertising on building or patio area without obtaining a permit, including any signage on table umbrellas.

c)                     The outdoor dining area limited to the patio area identified on the attached site plan, and there can be no more than 18 seats in the outdoor dining area.

d)                     The outdoor dining area to meet all appropriate city regulations and license requirements for dispensing of alcohol in an outdoor setting.

e)                     The ability to operate outdoor dining is reliant upon the applicant’s ability to adequately control litter and refuse as associated with the facility.

f)                     Provide manufacturing specifications and requirements for propane heater use/gas fire pits and clearance to combustibles.

g)                     Exit doors on any railing or fence in the outdoor dining area shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort, per the Uniform Building Code.

h)                     No public address system allowed in the outdoor dining area.

i)                     The outdoor dining area will be subject to a SAC review and payment. The applicant must work with the City’s Building Department and Metropolitan Council to determine the amount required for this use.


PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 17th day of May, 2021.