DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS - Bryan K. Schafer, Planning and Community Development Director
Schedule of Actions
Planning Commission (Public Hearing) |
05/12/15 |
City Council (Conditional Use Permit) |
06/04/15 |
Action Deadline |
06/14/15 |
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the conditional use permit. Public comment was from one resident who wondered what impact the office expansion would have on the adjoining park.
Infinite Campus is currently located at 4321 109th Avenue and the owner of the company wishes to expand this location to eventually double the number of employees in the building. Infinite Campus is a student information system company and it manages student data for K-12 students across the country.
Please read the attached narrative for more about this high tech company that calls Blaine home.
The company currently has over 400 employees and the owner is expecting to reach well over 800 employees. In order to accommodate this growth, the company is proposing to construct an 8 story tower on site with an auditorium that connects the tower to the existing building. In order to create enough parking on site for the additional square footage, the company is proposing to construct a one level parking ramp as well.
The site is zoned POD (Planned Office District). All uses require a conditional use permit in this zoning district, and the company received this conditional use permit in 2007. In order to expand the building and construct the parking ramp, a conditional use permit amendment is required.
The eight story tower and auditorium will be located on the northwest corner of the existing building. The POD zoning does not have a building height limitation and in fact encourages multi-floor buildings. The tower and the auditorium will add 102,415 square feet to the existing 110,880 two story building. The building materials being used on the new portion of the building include glass and architectural precast concrete wall panels with accent banding and reveals. These materials will match the existing building and this building does meet the requirements set forth in the POD district with regard to building materials.
With the addition of 102,415 square feet on site, an additional 460 parking stalls would be required on site. To meet this requirement the applicant is proposing to construct a one level parking ramp structure. The parking ramp will be a typical parking ramp constructed of precast concrete wall panels and parking decks. Once constructed a total of 927 parking stalls will be provided on site, including proof of parking ground stalls on the west side of the entrance drive. This number of parking stalls meets ordinance requirements for the total square footage on site.
Staff will continue to work with the applicant on the landscape plan for this site. The landscape plan must meet requirements with regard to the tree preservation/removal ordinance and the City's landscaping ordinance for new square footage on site. This issue can and will be addressed through the site plan approval process.
The applicant is also proposing to do some work within the City-owned Lochness Park to improve the park appearance next to this campus and to increase the usability of the park. Improvements include new landscaping and a park shelter. This information will be reviewed at the May 26th Park Board and their recommendation will be forwarded in a separate action.
By motion, approve the Resolution.
Zoning and Location Map
Overall Site Plan
Parking Structure Exterior Elevations
Building Exterior Elevations
Exterior Perspectives
Grading Plan
Landscape Plan
Colored Renderings
WHEREAS, an application has been filed by Infinite Campus as Conditional Use Permit Case File No. 15-0023; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Blaine Planning Commission on May 12, 2015; and
WHEREAS, the Blaine Planning Commission recommends said Conditional Use Permit be approved; and
WHEREAS, the Blaine City Council has reviewed said case on June 4, 2015.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Blaine that a Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved per Section 31.43(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for an eight story office expansion, auditorium and single level parking structure in a POD (Planned Office District) zoning district at 4321 109th Avenue NE based on the following conditions:
1. Site and buildings to be constructed as they have been presented for this approval.
2. All site lighting shall be downlit and shielded. Pole-mounted lights for parking lot and ramp are limited to 20 feet in height.
3. Site plan approval is required prior to start of construction.
4. Permanent signage requires a separate permit approval process. Any proposed wall signage on the office tower is limited to the southwest building elevation (away from residential areas).
5. The landscape plan must meet requirements with regard to the tree preservation/removal ordinance and the City's landscaping ordinance for new square footage on site. This issue can and will be addressed through the site plan approval process.
6. Underground irrigation must be provided for the entire site.
7. The City's Park Board must review all park improvements, including landscaping and the proposed shelter prior to installation.
8. Any work proposed within the Anoka County right-of-way will require a permit prior to start of any site work.
9. The applicant may have responsibility for financial participation in future 109th Avenue NE (CSAH 12) improvements. This includes, but is not limited to, intersection improvements, traffic signal modifications/installations, and roadway widening improvements.
10. Hydrant locations must be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department.
11. RCWD approval and permit are required prior to City approval of site plan.
12. Development requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activity (MN R100001) from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). A prerequisite to the MPCA permit application includes preparation of a site Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the development site.
13. The proof of parking stalls will need to be constructed if the City deems that the additional parking is required on the site in the future as the company grows.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 4th day of June, 2015.