Robert Therres, Public Services Manager
Council first reviewed the draft Crosswalk Policy at their September 4, 2014 Council Workshop meeting. Council expressed concern over the recommended federal and state guideline that there be more than 20 pedestrians per hour for an 8 hour period to warrant a painted crosswalk. These guidelines were written so that painted crosswalks would be installed where there is substantial conflict between vehicle and pedestrian movements, where significant pedestrian concentrations occur, or where pedestrians would not otherwise recognize the proper place to cross.
The crosswalk policy was created to provide guidance for installation of crosswalks as the City has received many crosswalk requests in the last couple of years. A map is attached that shows the current crosswalk requests that have been on hold pending Council's consideration of a Crosswalk Policy.
The eight criteria included in the draft policy gave staff a basis for studying each request to see if it met the intent of a "significant pedestrian concentration". If Council removes the guideline of 20 pedestrians per hour for an 8 hour period, there is no criteria remaining in the policy to define "a significant pedestrian concentration".
Council is asked to reconsider the removal of Criteria 3 - 20 pedestrians per hour for an 8 hour period. The policy still contains eight criteria that will be considered including locations adjacent to schools, parks, trails, and public facilities. It is important to recognize that all intersections, by state statute are legal crosswalks and drivers are required to yield to pedestrians whether the crosswalks are marked or unmarked.
The draft policy contains a statement under the heading of Process that "In all cases, the City Council will make the final decision."
Council is asked to reconsider the direction to remove Criteria 3 from the draft Crosswalk Policy and allow staff to use all eight criteria when preparing crosswalk recommendations to Council. If Council concurs with this request, the draft policy will be placed on the November 20, 2014 Council agenda for approval. If approved, staff will proceed with analysis of pending requests to return to Council for consideration.