Workshop Item: 2 - Bob Therres, Public Services Manager
At the recent joint meeting between the City Council and Anoka County Commissioners the issue of turning back the section of 105th Avenue from Hwy. #65 to Radisson Road to the City came up again.
The County has talked about its desire to turn back this section of roadway because this County Road is approximately a mile long and is entirely in the City. The last time this was seriously discussed was when the "Sportstown" development was being proposed about 4 years ago.
Some of the issues to consider with the turn back of this section of 105th include:
-Condition of the roadway - The road is over 20 years old and it is starting to show its age. Staff would want to see more than just an overlay done prior to any turn back. We had an estimate in 2009 to completely reconstruct and improve 105th that was about $3.5 million. Anoka County is estimating that total reconstruction for replacing the existing road is approximately $1.1 million.
-Road design for future development - Improving the existing roadway may not be desirable as it will probably end up being ripped up when future development takes place on the north side of 105th on the NSC property(Baseball complex?) and when the Nassau Industrial area is redeveloped. However, we do not have any timeframe when these things will happen.
-Financing of future improvements - In order for the City to place this section of 105th in our State Aid system and draw funds from our State Aid account, Anoka County would need to designate it as a County State Aid Highway(CSAH). It is currently designated as a County Road and the City would be unable to access any state funds with this designation.
The State also has a Highway #65 corridor study that recommends the closing of the access to 105th from Hwy. #65 at some unscheduled time in the future. The City should make sure that there is no future liability if existing businesses take the State to court.
- National Sports Centers role in future improvements - the National Sports Center(NSC) is the majority property owner along this section of 105th and the Council will need to work out financial participation with the NSC for any future improvements as they are not subject to the same special assessment process that other properties are. Also the NSC's proposed baseball complex may be the catalyst for road improvements to 105th.
If the Council is interested in proceeding with a turn back of 105th from Hwy. #65 to Radisson Road, staff recommends the following:
- Any financial obligation from Anoka County should be equivalent to a full reconstruction($1.1 million plus)
- Take financial commitment from Anoka County in cash as future design of 105th is sure to be different than current design. Possibly take some of the commitment in an overlay to get the road a few more years until development takes place
- Have Anoka County designate 105th as a CSAH road in order to get it into our State Aid system.
- Develop an agreement with the National Sports Center on their financial participation in any future improvements on 105th.