WORKSHOP ITEM Robert Therres, Public Services Manager
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been working on new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for the City of Blaine for several years. The new maps have been revised to reflect new streets, more accurate elevation data and will incorporate air photos to help in identifying specific areas. The new maps will also come in a digital format that will be incorporated into the City’s GIS system.
FEMA regulations require the City to incorporate these revisions into the City’s Flood Plain Overlay District Ordinance, which is a part of the Zoning Ordinance. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resource is FEMA’s map regulator for the state, and the City has incorporated the DNR’s recommendations into the revised ordinance. The proposed ordinance does not have any major changes from the current one with regards to development standards.
The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on September 8, 2015. There were no public comments and the Planning Commission approved the proposed ordinance revisions for Council consideration.