ITEM: ____ DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS- Bryan K. Schafer, Planning and Community Development Director
Schedule of Actions
Planning Commission (Public Hearing) |
04/12/11 |
City Council (Pre Plat/CUP) |
05/19/11 |
City Council (Pre Plat Extension) |
10/20/11 |
City Council (Final Plat - 1st Addition) |
04/05/12 |
City Council (Final Plat - 2nd Addition) |
06/07/12 |
City Council (Final Plat - 3rd Addition) (CUP Amendment) |
08/16/12 |
The preliminary plat, Woodland Village was approved in May 2011. The preliminary plat approval included approval for 85 dwelling units creating a mixture of single and twinhome residential units.
The applicant is requesting approval to final plat 14 single family lots that were a part of the preliminary plat that was approved in 2011. The final plat also includes an outlot for a wetland and drainage area.
The single-family product will be custom built homes. The single-family lots for these homes are proposed to be typically 85 feet in width, with several being wider and a couple being under this width. The typical depth is 150 feet, with most of the lots being much larger than this in depth. These homes will be enhanced with impressive exterior architectural details. The homes will include brick, stone, stucco, and varying gables and hip rooflines.
The final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat, Resolution No. 11-45.
By motion, approve the Resolution.
Zoning and Location Map
Final Plat
WHEREAS, an application has been filed by Woodland Development Corporation as subdivision Case No. 12-0015; and
WHEREAS, said case involves the division of land in Anoka County, Minnesota, described as follows:
WHEREAS, the Blaine City Council granted preliminary plat approval on May 19, 2011, subject to the stipulations as contained in Blaine City Council Resolution No. 11-45; and
WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a final plat in general conformance with the approved preliminary plat.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Blaine that final plat approval for Woodland Village 3rd Addition per Section 74-43 of the subdivision regulations is hereby granted subject to the following conditions:
1. The developer has responsibility for financial participation in Lexington Avenue NE improvements associated with this development. This includes, but is not limited to, intersection improvements, traffic signal installations, and roadway widening improvements. It will be proposed to assess Lots in the plat for these improvements.
2. All local public streets require dedication of 60 feet of right-of-way and shall be constructed to 29 feet back to back of width.
3. All streets will follow the Anoka County street name grid system.
4. Plans and specifications must be approved by the City prior to start of construction.
5. Street and utility extensions are required to the edge of the plat for each future connection to the adjacent parcels.
6. Standard utility and drainage easements must be dedicated along all lot lines and over areas of delineated wetlands, wetland mitigation, infiltration trenches, drainage swales, and storm water management ponds.
7. The Developer is to provide access for inspection and maintenance of storm water management infrastructure. Restrictions will be placed on lot lines as needed to limit fences and landscaping to insure access.
8. Development requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activity from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). A prerequisite to the MPCA permit application includes preparation of a site Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the development site.
9. Construction contract documents shall include a mass (rough) grading, erosion protection, sediment control, development, utilities, roadway, and storm drainage plan sheets. Supporting wetland delineation report, geotechnical investigation report, soil boring logs, and hydrology report shall be included in the submittal for City review and approval.
10. The grading plan shall provide greater detail on protecting existing trees and providing additional information on adjacent property. The soil exchange within portions of Outlot A, Woodland Village to be outlined in the revised grading plans. An as-built grading plan will be required to show the location, depth, and types of fill for all affected lots in the plat and all future lots in Outlot A. Required storm water detention basins shall not be over sized for sand excavation, so that additional areas of trees can be saved. Storm pipes shall not be routed through tree preservation areas.
11. The existing cul-de-sac on Lever Court NE shall be served with public improvements and shall be connected to the proposed plat when Outlot B is platted as part of a future phase. The cul-de-sac "bubble" shall be removed to lower public maintenance costs.
12. The development plan shall indicate all structures will be protected from flooding.
13. A twenty foot buffer strip shall be considered adjacent to wetland edges and shall be placed in an easement.
14. RCWD permit is required prior to City approval of construction plans and specifications.
15. The Developer shall process a Letter of Map Amendment with FEMA and shall provide all FEMA paperwork and structure as-built surveys to homeowners at time of lot closing. Developer is responsible for following through with FEMA as necessary to receive final FEMA documents and to provide those documents to the homeowners, and to record the final documents on the certificate of title for each parcel in the development.
16. As-built surveys shall be required to verify structure elevations, custom grading requirements, and final lot grading elevations.
17. Development roadway drives and utilities (sanitary, water main, storm water management) outside of the public right-of-way shall be considered private and future inspections, operations, and maintenance shall be the responsibility of the homeowner's association.
18. Park dedication to be paid for 14 housing units at the rate of $2,557 per unit. The total park dedication fee is $35,798.
19. Developer to require homeowner's associations to be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of landscape improvements along and within the right-of-way.
20. Developer to install grouped mailboxes with design and locations approved by City and US Postal Service.
21. Private streets can be constructed to a minimum of 22 feet in width if signed "No Parking". Private 24-foot wide streets can be parked on one side provided "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" signs are posted every 75 feet on the opposite side of the drive.
22. Developer shall explore water source for landscape irrigation systems installed throughout the development including the possible use of created ponds, existing wells, or new wells as source of water supply with a moisture sensor installed.
23. Water and sanitary sewer availability charges (WAC & SAC) become due with each building permit at the rate established at the time the building permit is issued.
24. All development signage by separate review.
25. Execution and recording of a Development Agreement, which sets forth in greater detail the plat conditions as well as other responsibilities for the development of this plat.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 16th day of August 2012.