ITEM: 12.6 Administration- Jim Kappelhoff
The City maintains a five-year Capital Improvement Plan for Park Development Funds. The Capital Improvement Plan is a flexible plan based upon long-range physical planning and financial projections. Flexibility is achieved through annual review and revisions as necessary. All improvements listed in the plan are proposed and must come back to the Park Board for review and recommendation to the City Council. The City Council then makes all final decisions on capital improvements.
Revenue for the capital improvement plan comes from park dedication fees required of all new residential, commercial and industrial development. The residential fee is split with 65% of the fee going to parks and 35% of the fee going to open space. 100% of the commercial and industrial fees go to parks.
Revenue from park dedication fees can only be used for development of new parks and trails, for new improvements to community parks used by all residents and for improvements to neighborhood parks that serve new growth. It cannot be used for park maintenance.
Recent and major park projects emerged in 2012 that will affect the Park Fund moving forward. City staff recommended strategies to City Council to finance these projects with consideration of the impact on the Park Fund.
The major projects are Aquatore Park Field #1 relocation as a result of the Fogerty Curling Rink expansion and the purchase of 38 acres of parkland east of Lexington Avenue for a large City athletic complex. The Aquatore Park Field #1 Relocation project is estimated at $390,000 and the Lexington Athletic Complex is estimated at $3,100,000.
Two sources of funding will be used to offset the costs of these projects and are reflected in the attached CIP.
1. Capital Improvement Fund (CIF): This fund can be used at the discretion of the City Council to provide monies to city-wide projects that enhance or benefit the community. The amount of $1,900,000 will be transferred to the Park Fund from the CIF. This transfer will not be repaid from the Park Fund.
2. Utility Fund: This is borrowed money from the water utility fund and will be repaid from the Park Fund in annual payments according to the Finance Department's recommendation as indicated in the CIP. In 2013, the amount of $1,246,000 will be transferred to the Park Fund.
Considering these new funding sources, the CIP becomes more complex, yet because of its flexibility it allows us to accomplish these significant projects and yet continue with our other recommended park developments.
The plan elements that follow are to be considered by the City Council for approving the 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Plan for Parks to the City Council.
Plan elements:
1. Carry over projects.
· Aquatore Park Field #1 Relocation project will carry over to 2013 as the wetland mitigation will be determined in the spring. Once determined, bids will be sent out to construct a new lighted ball field. City staff, Park Board and City Council knows this field is necessary as indicated in field usage statistics presented by staff.
· Legacy Creek Park became a priority project for 2012. However, only three bids were received and all were higher than the estimated amount to develop the park. The average bid was $164,826 and the estimate was $87,970. Thus they were rejected by City Council and new bids will be sent out in 2013. The neighborhood was informed of this delay. All costs for park consulting fees, playground equipment, shelter, basketball court materials and park accessories were paid in the amount of $79,190. Staff is recommending the amount of $125,000 for 2013 to develop the park in anticipation of increased costs for park development as demonstrated in the first bids.
· The Lexington Athletic Complex is a new project that began this year with the purchase of 38 acres and the contracting of a park consultant. Development of the park should begin in earnest next year and carry through to 2014.
· Security Lighting is proposed for two parks. Lighting will be installed at Jefferson and Aurelia (tennis/basketball courts area) Parks.
2. Shifting existing projects, amending projects or removing projects. Projects may be programmed for a different year by either moving them forward or back in the plan or the CIP is amended to accommodate a project reprioritization.
· London Park and Happy Acres Park Playgrounds are being removed from the CIP and will be submitted in the Park Maintenance Capital Equipment budget for 2014. This is an effort to reduce the impact on the Park Fund of replacing playground equipment in existing parks.
· The new park West of Harpers Street is recommended to be moved from 2017 to 2015 as preliminary planning of a new development has begun from Capstone Homes.
3. Prioritizing new or proposed projects. New projects come up through staff, board members, council members and residents.
· The Lakeside Commons Park Parking Lot Improvement (1.5 acre) project was scheduled for 2012 however City Council wanted to continue with the temporary overflow parking lot for another year. It has now been moved to 2013 as the Park Board has indicated this as an asset to the park's function.
· Replacing Aurelia Park Tennis and Basketball Courts became a priority for 2013 as a result of the removal of the existing courts in 2012 due to deterioration. A neighborhood meeting was conducted with the Park Board in November where a majority of residents requested the City replace these facilities. A petition was also submitted with over 200 signatures requesting the same.
The Park Board has recommended the attached five-year improvement plan for parks be approved by City Council. The Board has carefully considered the revenue available for each year of the program, the need for each improvement and has programmed expenditures to achieve a positive fund balance in each year of the program. This program is funded from the Park Development Fund.
By Resolution, approve the 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Plan for Parks
WHEREAS, it has been the practice of the City of Blaine to maintain a five-year Capital Improvement Program for Parks; and
WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement Plan for Parks is a flexible plan based on long-range physical planning and financial projections; and
WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement Plan for Parks is reviewed annually and revised as necessary; and
WHEREAS, the Park Board has considered the revenue available for each year of the program, the need for each improvement and after expenditures have achieved a positive fund balance in each year of the program; and
WHEREAS, the Park Board is recommending to the City Council to approve the 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Program for Parks: and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Blaine that the 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Plan for Parks is hereby approved;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Blaine that the City Staff is authorized to proceed with plans, specifications and bids for park improvements proposed in the 2013 Capital Improvement Pl for Parks.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Blaine this 17th day of January 2013.